247.95 (1) If, during a leave of absence that is taken under this Division, the wages or benefits of the group of employees of which an employee is a member are changed as part of a plan to reorganize the industrial establishment in which that group is employed, the employee is entitled, on reinstatement under this section, to receive the wages and benefits in respect of that employment that that employee would have been entitled to receive had that employee been working when the reorganization took place.
247.95 (1) Si, pendant la période du congé qu’il prend en vertu de la présente section, le salaire et les avantages du groupe dont il fait partie sont modifiés dans le cadre de la réorganisation de l’établissement où ce groupe travaille, l’employé, à sa reprise du travail, a droit au salaire et aux avantages afférents à l’emploi qu’il réoccupe comme s’il avait travaillé au moment de la réorganisation.