(10) A water-power development that has come into operation or the
utilization of the stream-flow of which has been substantially i
ncreased within the period during which a schedule of the proportion of annual outlay is effective may, at the discretion of the Minister, be debited with its proportionate share o
f the annual outlay from the time of the commencement of the operation, in which case the proportion charged upon each of th
...[+++]e existing developments shall be correspondingly reduced.
(10) Le ministre peut, à sa discrétion, imputer à un aménagement de force motrice dont l’exploitation a commencé ou dont l’utilisation du débit d’eau s’est sensiblement accrue au cours de la période durant laquelle ce barème est applicable, sa part proportionnelle de frais annuels, à compter du commencement de ladite exploitation, auquel cas, la proportion imputée à chacun des aménagements existants bénéficie d’une réduction correspondante.