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Across-the-fence contact
Across-the-fence infection
Alexandra Neighbourhood House
Assist people in contaminated areas
Assisting people in contaminated areas
Association of Neighbourhood Houses BC
Association of Neighbourhood Houses of British Columbia
Checking for contamination
Contaminated material keeping
Contaminated materials keeping
EU neighbour countries
European neighbourhood policy
Giving help to people in contaminated areas
Helping people in contaminated areas
Investigate contamination
Investigating contamination
Neighborhood contamination
Neighbourhood centre
Neighbourhood community work
Neighbourhood contamination
Neighbourhood instrument
Neighbourhood shopping centre
Neighbourhood work
New Neighbourhood Instrument
Store contaminated materials
Storing contaminated materials
Testing for contamination

Vertaling van "Neighbourhood contamination " (Engels → Frans) :

across-the-fence contact [ across-the-fence infection | neighborhood contamination | neighbourhood contamination ]

infection de voisinage

Association of Neighbourhood Houses of British Columbia [ ANHBC | Association of Neighbourhood Houses BC | Association of Neighbourhood Houses of Greater Vancouver | Alexandra Neighbourhood House ]

Association of Neighbourhood Houses of British Columbia [ ANHBC | Association of Neighbourhood Houses BC | Association of Neighbourhood Houses of Greater Vancouver | Alexandra Neighbourhood House ]

checking for contamination | investigating contamination | investigate contamination | testing for contamination

enquêter sur une contamination

contaminated materials keeping | storing contaminated materials | contaminated material keeping | store contaminated materials

stocker des matériaux contaminés

assisting people in contaminated areas | giving help to people in contaminated areas | assist people in contaminated areas | helping people in contaminated areas

aider des personnes en zone contaminée

neighbourhood community work | neighbourhood work

travail communautaire de quartier | travail social communautaire de quartier | travail social de communauté au niveau du quartier

neighbourhood instrument | New Neighbourhood Instrument | NNI

nouvel instrument de voisinage

neighbourhood centre | neighbourhood shopping centre

centre de proximité | relais de proximité

European neighbourhood policy [ ENP | EU neighbour countries(STW) ]

politique européenne de voisinage [ PEV ]

Rocky Bay Neighbourhood Improvement Association Tax Exemption Act [ An Act to Authorize the Municipality of the County of Richmond to Exempt from Taxes Property Assessed to Rocky Bay Neighbourhood Improvement Association ]

Rocky Bay Neighbourhood Improvement Association Tax Exemption Act [ An Act to Authorize the Municipality of the County of Richmond to Exempt from Taxes Property Assessed to Rocky Bay Neighbourhood Improvement Association ]
Therefore, it is equally important to reduce contamination both within the EU countries and in the neighbourhood.

D'où l'importance de réduire la pollution aussi bien à l'intérieur du territoire de l'UE que dans les pays voisins.

(n) deepen cooperation between the EU and Ukraine on environmental issues and strengthen Ukraine's capacity to tackle matters relating to air and water quality, waste management, nature protection and radiation contamination, some of which have strong cross-border implications; provide technical and financial assistance to Ukraine in the process of gradual approximation to the EU environmental acquis and environmental standards based on international environmental law, including the Espoo Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context and the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural ...[+++]

(n) approfondir la coopération entre l'UE et l'Ukraine sur les questions relatives à l'environnement et renforcer la capacité de l'Ukraine à faire face aux questions relatives à la qualité de l'air et de l'eau, à la gestion des déchets, à la protection de la nature et aux contaminations radioactives, questions dont certaines ont de fortes implications transfrontières; apporter une aide technique et financière à l'Ukraine afin qu'elle se rapproche progressivement de l'acquis environnemental de l'UE et de normes environnementales fondées sur le droit international environnemental, y compris la Convention d'Espoo sur l'évaluation de l'impa ...[+++]

deepen cooperation between the EU and Ukraine on environmental issues and strengthen Ukraine's capacity to tackle matters relating to air and water quality, waste management, nature protection and radiation contamination, some of which have strong cross-border implications; provide technical and financial assistance to Ukraine in the process of gradual approximation to the EU environmental acquis and environmental standards based on international environmental law, including the 1991 Espoo Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context and the 1979 Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Na ...[+++]

approfondir la coopération entre l'UE et l'Ukraine sur les questions relatives à l'environnement et renforcer la capacité de l'Ukraine à faire face aux questions relatives à la qualité de l'air et de l'eau, à la gestion des déchets, à la protection de la nature et aux contaminations radioactives, questions dont certaines ont de fortes implications transfrontalières; apporter une aide technique et financière à l'Ukraine afin qu'elle se rapproche progressivement de l'acquis environnemental de l'UE et de normes environnementales fondées sur le droit international environnemental, y compris la Convention d'Espoo de 1991 sur l'évaluation de ...[+++]

deepen cooperation between the EU and Ukraine on environmental issues and strengthen Ukraine's capacity to tackle matters relating to air and water quality, waste management, nature protection and radiation contamination, some of which have strong cross-border implications; provide technical and financial assistance to Ukraine in the process of gradual approximation to the EU environmental acquis and environmental standards based on international environmental law, including the 1991 Espoo Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context and the 1979 Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Na ...[+++]

approfondir la coopération entre l'UE et l'Ukraine sur les questions relatives à l'environnement et renforcer la capacité de l'Ukraine à faire face aux questions relatives à la qualité de l'air et de l'eau, à la gestion des déchets, à la protection de la nature et aux contaminations radioactives, questions dont certaines ont de fortes implications transfrontalières; apporter une aide technique et financière à l'Ukraine afin qu'elle se rapproche progressivement de l'acquis environnemental de l'UE et de normes environnementales fondées sur le droit international environnemental, y compris la Convention d'Espoo de 1991 sur l'évaluation de ...[+++]

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3) Environment, including investments connected with waste management, water supplies, urban waste-water treatment and air quality, integrated pollution prevention and control, rehabilitation of contaminated sites and land, rehabilitation of publicly owned common areas in deteriorated urban neighbourhoods, development of urban green areas, noise prevention, water quality protection, water management, promotion of clean public transport, risk prevention, landscape planning in rural areas, promotion of biodiversity, protection of animal ...[+++]

3) Environnement incluant les investissements liés à la gestion des déchets, à la distribution d'eau, aux traitements des eaux usées urbaines et à la qualité de l’air, la prévention et le contrôle intégré de la pollution, la réhabilitation des sites et terrains contaminés, la réhabilitation d'espaces publics communs dans des quartiers urbains dégradés, le développement d'espaces verts urbains, la prévention du bruit, la protection de la qualité de l'eau, la gestion de l'eau, la promotion de transports publics propres, la prévention des risques, l'aménagement du paysage dans les zones rurales, la promotion de la biodiversité et la protect ...[+++]

The "City of Tomorrow and Cultural Heritage" research programme supports research projects on the revitalisation of city centres and neighbourhoods (including the rehabilitation and re-use of contaminated and brownfield sites), sustainable retrofitting of urban areas such as large housing estates and on ways to reduce urban sprawl, especially through the integration of land use and transport planning.

Le programme de recherche « ville de demain et patrimoine culturel » soutient différents projets de recherche liés à la redynamisation des centres-villes et des quartiers (y compris la réhabilitation et la réutilisation de sites pollués et de friches industrielles), à la rénovation durable de zones urbaines telles que des grands ensembles, ainsi qu'aux moyens de réduire le mitage, en particulier par le biais de la planification intégrée de l'occupation des sols et des transports.

The Commission supports different research projects related to the revitalisation of city centres and neighbourhoods, the rehabilitation and re-use of contaminated and brownfield sites, sustainable retrofitting of urban areas such as large housing estates and on ways to reduce urban sprawl, especially through the integration of land use and transport planning (see Annex 3).

La Commission soutient différents projets de recherche liée à la redynamisation des centres-villes et des quartiers, à la réhabilitation et la réutilisation de sites pollués et de friches industrielles, à la rénovation durable de zones urbaines tels que les grands ensembles, ainsi qu'à des moyens de réduire le mitage, en particulier par le biais de la planification intégrée de l'occupation des sols et des transports (voir annexe 3).

The "City of Tomorrow and Cultural Heritage" research programme supports research projects on the revitalisation of city centres and neighbourhoods (including the rehabilitation and re-use of contaminated and brownfield sites), sustainable retrofitting of urban areas such as large housing estates and on ways to reduce urban sprawl, especially through the integration of land use and transport planning.

Le programme de recherche « ville de demain et patrimoine culturel » soutient différents projets de recherche liés à la redynamisation des centres-villes et des quartiers (y compris la réhabilitation et la réutilisation de sites pollués et de friches industrielles), à la rénovation durable de zones urbaines telles que des grands ensembles, ainsi qu'aux moyens de réduire le mitage, en particulier par le biais de la planification intégrée de l'occupation des sols et des transports.

The Commission supports different research projects related to the revitalisation of city centres and neighbourhoods, the rehabilitation and re-use of contaminated and brownfield sites, sustainable retrofitting of urban areas such as large housing estates and on ways to reduce urban sprawl, especially through the integration of land use and transport planning (see Annex 3).

La Commission soutient différents projets de recherche liée à la redynamisation des centres-villes et des quartiers, à la réhabilitation et la réutilisation de sites pollués et de friches industrielles, à la rénovation durable de zones urbaines tels que les grands ensembles, ainsi qu'à des moyens de réduire le mitage, en particulier par le biais de la planification intégrée de l'occupation des sols et des transports (voir annexe 3).

Although the problem was discovered in 1980, it has taken 15 years for all levels of government and the community to achieve their goal of removing the contaminants and restoring this neighbourhood of family homes.

Le problème fut découvert en 1980, mais il a fallu 15 ans aux divers paliers de gouvernement et à la collectivité pour atteindre leur but, soit d'enlever les contaminants et d'assainir ce quartier résidentiel.
