Hence, if nominee B was the next available preference for 150,000 voters who indicated nominee A as their first preference, nominee C was the next available preference for 100,000 voters who indicated nominee A as their first preference, and nominee D was the next available preference for 50,000 voters who indicated nominee A as their first preference: nominee B will get 50,000 votes; nominee C, 33,333; and nominee D 16,666 votes, in addition to the number of votes they already had on the first count.
Par conséquent, si les candidats B, C et D sont les choix suivants pour respectivement 150 000, 100 000 et 50 000 électeurs qui ont choisi le candidat A en premier, il leur sera accordé respectivement 50 000, 33 333 et 16 666 votes en plus du nombre de votes qu’ils auront obtenus au premier comptage.