I have prepared amendments to that effect that would amend clause 18.1 of the bill, at page 13, line 2, by amending the proposed section in the following way: that is, by deleting the word " committee" , singular, and substituting " committees" , plural; by adding after the word " Commons" the words " and the Senate" ; and, finally, by substituting at line 13, " consider" , singular, by " considers" , plural.
J'ai préparé des amendements qui modifieraient l'article 18.1 du projet de loi par substitution, à la page 13, ligne 12, des mots «du comité» par «des comités», par ajout, à la ligne 13, des mots «et du Sénat» et par substitution, à la ligne 13, du mot «traite» par le mot «traitent».