As we discussed and as you've heard from many of the witnesses, there have been some who recommended to you that you ought to propose that there be a prior screening mechanism whereby prospective candidates for appointment to the Supreme Court of Canada would meet with some kind of committee, perhaps a committee of parliamentarians but perhaps a committee of others, and that the committee would interview prospective candidates and then make recommendations to the Minister of Justice or to the Prime Minister.
Vous avez entendu de nombreux témoins dont certains vous ont recommandé de proposer un mécanisme de présélection selon lequel les candidats rencontreraient une commission quelconque, peut-être un comité de parlementaires auquel pourraient s'ajouter d'autres personnes, et se soumettraient à une entrevue devant cette commission qui formulerait ensuite des recommandations au ministre de la Justice ou au premier ministre.