It is, however, disappointed that the Liberal government refuses to give regulatory status to the yet-to-be-developed code, which would have made it more legally binding. In my opinion, since the ethics code is neither a statutory instrument nor an act of Parliament, it has the substance and consistency of a prayer, which I think will make lobbyists, who are not in the habit of worrying about minor considerations, feel morally entitled to circumvent prayers (1020) Unfortunately, the Bloc would have liked the government to announce the end of tax deductions for lobbyists' fees, as the Minister of Transport suggested.
Et pour les lobbyistes qui habituellement ne s'accrochent pas les pieds dans les fleurs du tapis, je pense qu'avec une prière comme celle-là ils se sentiront moralement autorisés à passer outre aux prières ou aux oraisons (1020) Malheureusement, le Bloc aurait souhaité, comme l'a déjà suggéré le ministre des Transports, que le gouvernement annonce la fin des déductions fiscales des frais engagés pour l'embauche de lobbyistes.