The combined effect of the operations is that Employers Reinsurance moves from the position of the fourth largest reinsurer in the world to the third place, following Munich Re and Swiss Re. No supplier has a market share above 7 per cent. Even if reinsurance is divided into sectors such as life, liability, motor, accident/sickness, fire, marine, aviation and other, the two operations do not result in the creation of or increase in a dominant position which would impede competition in the common market.
Même si le secteur de la réassurance couvre des activités telles que la vie, l'automobile, l'accident-maladie, la responsabilité civile, l'incendie, le transport maritime et aérien etc., les opérations d'acquisition que la Commission vient d'approuver ne se traduisent pas par la création ou l'accroissement d'une quelconque position dominante contraire aux règles de la concurrence.