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Balkan countries
Balkan region
Combined cross-country
Combined cross-country skiing
Countries in the Western Balkans
Countries of the Western Balkans
Developed country
Developed nation
Emerging and growth-leading economies
Emerging economy
First world country
First world nation
Industrialised country
Industrialized country
Industrialized nation
Newly industrialised country
Newly industrialising countries
Newly industrialising economy
Newly industrialized country
Newly industrializing country
Newly industrializing economy
Nordic combined cross-country
Nordic combined cross-country skiing
Rich country
Rich nation
SEM base
SEM countries
SEM mobile base
South and East Mediterranean Countries
Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries
Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries
Southern and eastern Mediterranean countries
Support migrants to integrate in the receiving country
Western Balkan countries
Western Balkan country
Western Balkan region
Western Balkans

Vertaling van "SEM countries " (Engels → Frans) :

SEM countries | Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries | SEMCs [Abbr.]

pays de la Méditerranée Sud et Est | pays du Sud et de l'Est de la Méditerranée (PSEM) | pays MSE | MSE [Abbr.] | PSEM [Abbr.]

South and East Mediterranean Countries | southern and eastern Mediterranean countries | SEM [Abbr.]

pays de la Méditerranée Sud et Est | pays du sud et de l'est de la Méditerranée | Pays du Sud et de l'Est méditerranéen | MSE [Abbr.] | PSEM [Abbr.]

Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries | SEM [Abbr.]

pays de la Méditerranée Sud et Est | MSE [Abbr.]

industrialised country [ developed country | developed nation | first world country | first world nation | industrialized country | industrialized nation | rich country | rich nation ]

pays industrialisé [ pays développé | pays riche ]

newly industrialised country [ EAGLEs | emerging and growth-leading economies | emerging economy | newly industrialising countries | newly industrialising economy | newly industrialized country | newly industrializing country | newly industrializing economy ]

nouveau pays industrialisé [ EAGLEs | économie émergente | économie nouvellement industrialisée | économies émergentes à forte croissance | pays nouvellement industrialisé | PNI ]

Western Balkans [ Balkan countries | countries in the Western Balkans | countries of the Western Balkans | Western Balkan countries | Western Balkan country | Western Balkan region | balkan region(UNBIS) ]

Balkans occidentaux [ Balkans | Europe des Balkans | pays des Balkans occidentaux ]

assist migrants in their integration process in the receiving country | help migrants in their integration process in the host country | support a migrant to integrate in their receiving country | support migrants to integrate in the receiving country

aider les migrants à s’intégrer dans le pays hôte

Nordic combined cross-country skiing [ Nordic combined cross-country | combined cross-country skiing | combined cross-country ]

ski de fond au combiné nordique [ ski de fond combiné ]

Sub-Regional Seminar for Eastern and Southern African Countries Members of Multinational Programming and Operational Centres to Study Potential for Expansion of Economic Co-operation and Trade Relations with Socialist Countries of Eastern Europe [ Sub-regional Seminar for Eastern and Southern African Countries Members of MULPOCs to Study Potential for Expansion of Economic Co-operation and Trade Relations with Socialist Countries of Eastern Europe ]

Séminaire sous-régional pour les pays d'Afrique de l'Est et d'Afrique australe membres des centres multinationaux de programmation et d'exécution de projets pour l'étude du potentiel d'expansion de la coopération économique et des relations commerciales a [ Séminaire sous-régional pour les pays d'Afrique de l'Est et d'Afrique australe membres des MULPOCs pour l'étude du potentiel d'expansion de la coopération économique et des relations commerciales avec les pays socialistes d'Europe orientale ]
Annex III Trade between the EU and the countries of Central Asia (*) 1st 2nd 1st 1993 1994 sem. sem. sem.

Annexe III Commerce entre l'Union européenne et les pays d'Asie centrale 1er sem. 2nd sem.

9. The advantage of the nearness of the SEMs and their transit role in the supply of gas to Europe. 10. The significance of the GCC countries in terms of oil supplies. _______________ Abbreviations used: Mtoe: Million tonnes oil equivalent Twh: Terawatt-hour Gm3: Giga m3 [1] The SEMs are: Turkey, Syria, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, Cyprus and Malta.

_______________ Mtep : Million de tonnes équivalent pétrole Twh : Tera Watt heure Mhab : Million d'habitants Gm3 : Giga m3 [1] Les PSEM sont : Turquie, Syrie, Israël, Jordanie, Egypte, Libye, Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc, Liban, Chypre et Malte

The Council approved a "Statement on the DAS" which is reproduced in Annex II. FIGHT AGAINST FRAUD: COMMISSION WORK PROGRAMME FOR 1996 - CONCLUSIONS "THE COUNCIL - welcomes the programme for the fight against fraud submitted by the Commission for 1996; - recalls the Madrid European Council's conclusions of 15 and 16 December 1995 on fraud and the protection of the financial interests of the Communities and in particular the European Council's invitation to the Member States and Institutions to adopt "the necessary measures to ensure an equivalent level of protection throughout the Community and in the Community budget and the EDF as a whole"; - notes that the Commission programme comes within the context of these conclusions and of those ...[+++]

Le Conseil a approuvé une "Déclaration relative à la DAS" reprise en Annexe II. LUTTE CONTRE LA FRAUDE : PROGRAMME DE TRAVAIL DE LA COMMISSION POUR 1996 - CONCLUSIONS "LE CONSEIL - accueille favorablement le programme de lutte contre la fraude présenté par la Commission pour 1996; - rappelle les conclusions du Conseil européen de Madrid des 15 et 16 décembre 1995 sur la fraude et la protection des intérêts financiers des Communautés et notamment l'invitation de celui-ci aux Etats membres et aux institutions d'adopter "les mesures nécessaires pour assurer un niveau de protection équivalent partout dans la Communauté et dans l'ensemble d ...[+++]

The SEM producer countries therefore provide over 24% of the oil supplies of the southern European countries (Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Portugal), and 42% of their gas supplies (Spain, France, Italy and shortly Portugal and Greece).

Les pays producteurs du Sud et de l'Est de la Méditerranée fournissent ainsi plus de 24 % des approvisionnements pétroliers des pays sud européens (Espagne, France, Italie, Grèce et Portugal), et 42 % de leurs approvisionnements gaziers (Espagne, France, Italie et bientôt le Portugal et la Grèce).

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BACKGROUND Most of the countries in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEM) with which the Community has contractual links are in the process of implementing economic reforms with far-reaching effects on their social and economic structures.

BACKGROUND La plupart des pays de la Méditerranée Sud et Est (MSE) avec lesquels la Communauté entretient des liens contractuels sont en train de mettre en oeuvre des réformes économiques, affectant de manière profonde leurs structures économiques et sociales.
