(4) In order that the amounts paid and payable under this section may be equitably borne by the shareholders, incorporators or members, as the case may be, the directors must, after the amounts of the payments have been approved by special resolution or settled and determined by a court, fix the proportionate part of the amounts chargeable to each shareholder, incorporator or member as the ratio of the amount paid in by that person to the aggregate of all the amounts paid in by the shareholders, incorporators or members.
(4) Après que les montants ont été approuvés par résolution extraordinaire ou fixés par le tribunal, les administrateurs, pour assurer une répartition équitable entre les actionnaires, les membres ou les fondateurs, selon le cas, des frais payables aux termes du présent article, déterminent la contribution de chacun d’eux au prorata de son apport.