(i) in Manitoba, Census Divisions No. 18 and 19, Unorganized and No. 20, Unorganized, North and South Parts, as these divisions were developed by Statistics Canada for the 2006 Census, the Rural Municipalities of Albert, Alexander, Alonsa, Armstrong, Arthur, Bifrost, Brenda, Brokenhead, Cameron,
Coldwell, Dauphin, East St. Paul, Edward, Eriksdale, Ethelbert, Fisher, Gilbert Plains, Gimli, Glenella, Grahamdale, Grandview, Hillsburg, Kel
sey, Lac du Bonnet, Lawrence, McCreary, Minitonas, Mountain, Mossey River, Ochre River, Pipestone, Re
...[+++]ynolds, Rockwood, St. Andrews, St. Clements, St. Laurent, Ste. Rose, Shellmouth-Boulton, Shell River, Sifton, Siglunes, Swan River, West St. Paul, Whitemouth, Winchester and Woodlands and the Valley River 63A reserve, and(i) au Manitoba, les divisions de recensement n 18 et 19, non organisées et n 20, non organisée, parties nord et sud, divisions créées par Statistique Canada pour les besoins du recensement de 2006, les municipalités rurales de Albert, Alexander, Alonsa, Armstrong, Arthur, Bifrost, Brenda, Brokenhead, Cameron,
Coldwell, Dauphin, East St. Paul, Edward, Eriksdale, Ethelbert, Fisher, Gilbert Plains, Gimli, Glenella, Grahamdale, Grandview, Hillsburg, Kel
sey, Lac-du-Bonnet, Lawrence, McCreary, Minitonas, Mountain, Moss
...[+++]ey River, Ochre River, Pipestone, Reynolds, Rockwood, St. Andrews, St. Clements, Saint-Laurent, Sainte-Rose, Shellmouth-Boulton, Shell River, Sifton, Siglunes, Swan River, West St. Paul, Whitemouth, Winchester et Woodlands et la réserve Valley River 63A,