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Assess the potential of second-hand merchandise
Biologic capacity
Biologic potential
Biological capacity
Biological potential
Biotic potential
Breakdown potential
Check the potential of second-hand merchandise
Cognitive evoked potentials
Cognitive potentials
Critical breakdown potential
Critical pitting potential
Determine the potential of second-hand merchandise
Driving signal
Endogenous evoked potentials
Endogenous potentials
Event-related brain potentials
Event-related potentials
Events Related Potentials
Frame synchronization pulse
Frame synchronizing pulse
Gross biologic capacity
Gross biological capacity
Gross reproductive capacity
Master synchronization pulse
Master synchronizing pulse
Oxidation reduction potential
Oxidation-reduction potential
Oxydoreduction potential
Pitting potential
Potential GDP
Potential gross domestic product
Potential output
Potential production
Redox potential
Reproductive capacity
Reproductive potential
Rupture potential
Sync pulse
Sync signal
Synchronizing potential
Synchronizing pulse
Synchronizing signal
Test the potential of second-hand merchandise

Vertaling van "Synchronizing potential " (Engels → Frans) :

synchronizing pulse | sync pulse | synchronizing signal | sync signal | synchronizing potential | driving signal

impulsion de synchronisation | signal de synchronisation | signal de synchro | top de synchronisation | signal de synchronisme | signal d'attaque

event-related potentials | ERPs | event-related brain potentials | endogenous evoked potentials | endogenous potentials | cognitive evoked potentials | cognitive potentials | Events Related Potentials

potentiels évoqués cognitifs | potentiels cognitifs | potentiels endogènes | potentiels liés à l'événement | potentiels liés aux événements | potentiels à longue latence

create an environment where performers can work to develop their potential | encourage performers to develop their potential in their surroundings | create a work environment where performers can develop their potential | create a work environment where performers' potential may be developed

créer un environnement de travail dans lequel les artistes peuvent développer leur potentiel

biologic capacity | biologic potential | biological capacity | biological potential | biotic potential | gross biologic capacity | gross biological capacity | gross reproductive capacity | reproductive capacity | reproductive potential

potentiel biotique

frame synchronization pulse | frame synchronizing pulse | master synchronization pulse | master synchronizing pulse

impulsion pilote de synchronisation

potential GDP | potential gross domestic product | potential output | potential production

production potentielle

Place your arts offer in places relevant to your potential employers/contractors | setting up your arts offer in places relevant to your potential employers/contractors | set up your arts offer in places relevant to your potential employers/contractors | set up your arts offers in places relevant to your potential employers/contracto ...[+++]

installer son offre artistique à des endroits adaptés pour des employeurs/contractants potentiels

assess the potential of second-hand merchandise | determine the potential of second-hand merchandise | check the potential of second-hand merchandise | test the potential of second-hand merchandise

vérifier le potentiel d'objets d'occasion

breakdown potential | critical breakdown potential | critical pitting potential | pitting potential | rupture potential

potentiel de rupture | potentiel de piqûration | potentiel critique de piqûres | potentiel de piqûres | potentiel critique de rupture

oxidation-reduction potential [ oxidation reduction potential | redox potential | oxydoreduction potential ]

potentiel d'oxydo-réduction [ Eh | potentiel d'oxydoréduction | potentiel Redox | potentiel Red-Ox | potentiel redox ]
17. Stresses that modernising the existing energy infrastructure, and building new, intelligent and flexible generation, transmission (especially transborder gas and electricity interconnectors), distribution and storage infrastructures is essential for a stable, well-integrated and well-connected energy market, where any negative effects, such as unplanned power flows, are avoided, where supply at affordable and competitive prices is secured, where the full potential of all sustainable energy sources, and of micro-generation, cogeneration and efficiency, demand-side management and storage, is fully exploited, and where no Member State r ...[+++]

17. souligne le fait que la modernisation de l'infrastructure existante pour l'énergie et la construction d'infrastructures nouvelles, intelligentes et flexibles pour la production, le transport (notamment les interconnexions transfrontalières de gaz et d'électricité), la distribution et le stockage d'énergie sont des éléments essentiels à la mise en place d'un marché de l'énergie fortement intégré et connecté, évitant toute répercussion négative, telle que des acheminements non planifiés, garantissant un approvisionnement à des prix abordables et concurrentiels, exploitant pleinement le potentiel de toutes les sources renouvelables d'én ...[+++]

17. Stresses that modernising the existing energy infrastructure, and building new, intelligent and flexible generation, transmission (especially transborder gas and electricity interconnectors), distribution and storage infrastructures is essential for a stable, well-integrated and well-connected energy market, where any negative effects, such as unplanned power flows, are avoided, where supply at affordable and competitive prices is secured, where the full potential of all sustainable energy sources, and of micro-generation, cogeneration and efficiency, demand-side management and storage, is fully exploited, and where no Member State r ...[+++]

17. souligne le fait que la modernisation de l'infrastructure existante pour l'énergie et la construction d'infrastructures nouvelles, intelligentes et flexibles pour la production, le transport (notamment les interconnexions transfrontalières de gaz et d'électricité), la distribution et le stockage d'énergie sont des éléments essentiels à la mise en place d'un marché de l'énergie fortement intégré et connecté, évitant toute répercussion négative, telle que des acheminements non planifiés, garantissant un approvisionnement à des prix abordables et concurrentiels, exploitant pleinement le potentiel de toutes les sources renouvelables d'én ...[+++]

Under Directive 92/44/EEC, Member States must ensure that the telecommunications organizations make available certain types of leased lines to all providers of telecommunications services. However, the Directive provides only for such offer of a harmonized set of leased lines up to a certain bandwidth. Companies needing a higher bandwidth to provide services based on new high-speed technologies such as SDH (synchronous digital hierarchy) have complained that the telecommunications organizations concerned are unable to meet their demand whilst it could be met by the optic fibre networks of other potential ...[+++]

que la directive 92/44/CEE prévoit que les États membres doivent veiller à ce que les organismes de télécommunications rendent accessibles certains types de lignes louées à tous les prestataires de services de télécommunications; que ladite directive ne prévoit néanmoins que l'offre harmonisée de certains types de lignes louées jusqu'à une certaine largeur de bande; que des entreprises ayant besoin de bandes passantes plus larges pour offrir des services basés sur des technologies à haut débit tels que le SDH (hiérarchie synchrone numérique) se plaignent de ce que les organismes de télécommunications concernés ne répondent pas à leur d ...[+++]

Whereas a land register in the strict sense involves major administrative work on the establishment, processing and constant updating of a list or register containing information on the owners and on all parcels of land under vines with sufficient details for their identification ; whereas viticultural land registers in this sense have been established only by some Member States, which have moreover been able to update them only partially and at irregular intervals ; whereas the surveys on the areas under vines carried out by certain Member States have different reference years ; whereas these national land registers and surveys do not therefore permit precise uniform synchronized ...[+++]

considérant qu'un cadastre proprement dit implique des opérations administrativement importantes pour établir, exploiter et tenir à jour en permanence une liste ou un registre contenant des informations concernant les propriétaires fonciers ainsi que toutes les pièces de vigne avec indications permettant leur identification; que des cadastres viticoles proprement dits ont été établis par quelques États membres seulement, qui n'ont pu d'ailleurs en effectuer qu'une mise à jour partielle et irrégulière; que des enquêtes sur la superficie viticole effectuées par quelques États membres portaient sur des années différentes; que, par conséquent, ces enquêtes et ces cadastres nationaux ne permettent pas l'observation précise, un ...[+++]
