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Aborted take-off
Aborted takeoff
Actual take-off weight
Aeroplane performance take-off curve
Assist during landing and take off
Assist during take off and landing
Carry out necessary procedures prior to take off
Conduct pre-flight activities
Execute necessary procedures prior to take off
Gross take-off weight
Interrupted take-off
Maximum take-off mass
Maximum take-off weight
Negotiate a curve
Prepare climatic forecasts for landing and take off
Prepare climatic forecasts for take off and landing
Prepare forecasts for take-off and landing
Rejected take-off
Rejected takeoff
Support captain during take off and landing
Take a bend
Take a curve
Take a turn
Take-off curve
Take-off distributor
Take-off divider
Take-off divisor
Take-off gross weight
Take-off mass
Take-off weight
Takeoff curve
Undertake required actions before departure

Traduction de «Take-off curve » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous

aeroplane performance take-off curve

courbe de performances de décollage

assist during landing and take off | support captain in the execution of take off and landing activities | assist during take off and landing | support captain during take off and landing

aider pendant le décollage et l'atterrissage

prepare climatic forecasts for landing and take off | prepare climatic forecasts for take off and landing | prepare forecasts for take-off and landing | prepare meteorological forecasts for take off and landing

élaborer les prévisions de décollage et d'atterrissage

take-off distributor | take-off divider | take-off divisor

partiteur de prélèvement

take-off weight [ TOW | gross take-off weight | take-off mass | actual take-off weight ]

masse au décollage [ MD,TOW,GTOW | poids au décollage ]

take a curve | take a turn | take a bend | negotiate a curve

prendre un virage | négocier un virage

maximum take-off weight | MTOW | maximum take-off mass | MTOM | take-off gross weight

masse maximale au décollage | poids maximal au décollage | MTOW

aborted takeoff [ rejected takeoff | aborted take-off | rejected take-off | interrupted take-off ]

décollage interrompu [ décollage abandonné ]

carry out necessary procedures prior to take off | undertake required actions before departure | conduct pre-flight activities | execute necessary procedures prior to take off

exécuter les procédures nécessaires avant décollage
What tends to happen is that an aid project is approved by CIDA for two years and then, at the end of that time, when the project is just taking off, that is, it is in a growth curve, CIDA withdraws its funding because it no longer funds that specific type of project.

Ce que l'on voit trop souvent, c'est qu'un projet d'aide est adopté par l'ACDI pendant deux ans et qu'une fois ce délai écoulé, lorsque le projet commence à décoller, qu'il est en pleine croissance, l'ACDI retire ses subventions parce qu'elle ne finance plus ce genre de projet.

I have always assumed that that rationing process was a function of the banks being concerned about the flack they would take if it became public knowledge that they were charging prime-plus-eight. If you look at a curve in which increasing risk means increasing the price of the loan, rather than letting that curve stretch upward which is the case in the United States and you go along with the risk to the point where the price is right Canadian banks have effectively cut off the maximum interest rate, thereby cutting off the maximum r ...[+++]

J'ai toujours présumé que ce processus de rationnement tenait au fait que les banques s'inquiétaient des critiques dont elles feraient l'objet si le public apprenait qu'elles accordent des prêts au taux préférentiel plus 8 p. 100. Admettons qu'il y ait une courbe sur laquelle l'augmentation du risque s'accompagne d'une augmentation du taux d'intérêt du prêt: plutôt que de laisser la courbe s'étirer vers le haut comme aux États-Unis et de trouver le point où le prix correspond au risque, les banques canadiennes ont établi une limite pour le taux d'intérêt maximal, se trouvant de ce fait à fixer un risque maximal.

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Date index: 2023-07-30