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Alcoholic hallucinosis
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf
Chronic alcoholism Dipsomania Drug addiction
Conversion hysteria
Delirium tremens
Disorder of personality and behaviour
Euro-Mediterranean Interim Association Agreement
Fatigue syndrome
Hysteria hysterical psychosis
Psychoactive substance abuse
Psychosis NOS
Structural Board Association
TASH The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps
The Association for the Severely Handicapped
The Waferboard Association
Volta Speech Association for the Deaf

Vertaling van "The Waferboard Association " (Engels → Frans) :

Structural Board Association [ SBA | The Waferboard Association ]

Association du panneau structural

Definition: The common themes that are shared by dissociative or conversion disorders are a partial or complete loss of the normal integration between memories of the past, awareness of identity and immediate sensations, and control of bodily movements. All types of dissociative disorders tend to remit after a few weeks or months, particularly if their onset is associated with a traumatic life event. More chronic disorders, particularly paralyses and anaesthesias, may develop if the onset is associated with insoluble problems or interpersonal difficulties. These disorders have previously been classified as various types of conversion hys ...[+++]

Définition: Les divers troubles dissociatifs (ou de conversion) ont en commun une perte partielle ou complète des fonctions normales d'intégration des souvenirs, de la conscience de l'identité ou des sensations immédiates et du contrôle des mouvements corporels. Toutes les variétés de troubles dissociatifs ont tendance à disparaître après quelques semaines ou mois, en particulier quand leur survenue est associée à un événement traumatique. L'évolution peut également se faire vers des troubles plus chroniques, en particulier des paralysies et des anesthésies, quand la survenue du trouble est liée à des problèmes ou des difficultés interpe ...[+++]

Definition: Considerable cultural variations occur in the presentation of this disorder, and two main types occur, with substantial overlap. In one type, the main feature is a complaint of increased fatigue after mental effort, often associated with some decrease in occupational performance or coping efficiency in daily tasks. The mental fatiguability is typically described as an unpleasant intrusion of distracting associations or recollections, difficulty in concentrating, and generally inefficient thinking. In the other type, the emphasis is on feelings of bodily or physical weakness and exhaustion after only minimal effort, accompanie ...[+++]

Définition: Il existe des variations culturelles importantes dans les manifestations de ce trouble, qui comporte deux types essentiels, ayant de nombreux points communs. Dans le premier type, la caractéristique essentielle est une plainte concernant une fatigue accrue après des efforts mentaux, souvent associée à une certaine diminution des performances professionnelles et des capacités à faire face aux tâches quotidiennes. La fatigabilité mentale est décrite typiquement comme une distractibilité due à une intrusion désagréable d'associations et de souvenirs, une difficulté de concentration ou une pensée globalement inefficace. Dans le d ...[+++]

A form of syndromic craniosynostosis with characteristics of craniosynostosis, mild facial dysmorphism (prominent supraorbital ridges, mild proptosis and maxillary hypoplasia) and calcification of the basal ganglia. The disease is associated with a f

syndrome de craniosynostose-calcifications intracrâniennes

A group of dysmorphic complexes (including Charlie M syndrome, Hanhart syndrome and glossopalatine ankylosis) with the association of severe asymmetric limb defects (primarily involving distal segments) and abnormalities of the oral cavity and mandib

syndrome de Mœbius

Definition: This block contains a wide variety of disorders that differ in severity and clinical form but that are all attributable to the use of one or more psychoactive substances, which may or may not have been medically prescribed. The third character of the code identifies the substance involved, and the fourth character specifies the clinical state. The codes should be used, as required, for each substance specified, but it should be noted that not all fourth character codes are applicable to all substances. Identification of the psychoactive substance should be based on as many sources of information as possible. These include self-report data, analysis of blood and other body fluids, characteristic physical and psychological symptom ...[+++]

Modificateurs Les subdivisions suivantes peuvent être utilisées comme quatrième chiffre avec les rubriques F10-F19: Code Titre .0 Intoxication aiguë Etat consécutif à la prise d'une substance psycho-active et entraînant des perturbations de la conscience, des facultés cognitives, de la perception, de l'affect ou du comportement, ou d'autres fonctions et réponses psychophysiologiques. Les perturbations sont directement liées aux effets pharmacologiques aigus de la substance consommée, et disparaissent avec le temps, avec guérison complète, sauf dans les cas ayant entraîné des lésions organiques ou d'autres complications. Parmi les complic ...[+++]

A rare neuroendocrine neoplasm arising from neural crest-derived paraganglion cells (most often in the para-aortic region at the level of renal hilii, organ of Zuckerkandl, thoracic paraspinal region, bladder and carotid body) not associated with cat

paragangliome non sécrétant

Euro-Mediterranean Interim Association Agreement | Euro-Mediterranean Interim Association Agreement on Trade and Cooperation between the European Community and the Palestine Liberation Organization for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority | Euro-Mediterranean Interim Association Agreement on trade and cooperation between the European Community and the PLO for the benefit of the Palestinian Authority of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip | Euro-Mediterranean Interim Association Agreement on trade and cooperation between the European Community, of the one part, and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) for the benefit of the Palest ...[+++]

accord d'association euro-méditerranéen intérimaire relatif aux échanges et à la coopération | Accord d'association euro-méditerranéen intérimaire relatif aux échanges et à la coopération entre la Communauté européenne, d'une part, et l'Organisation de libération de la Palestine (OLP), agissant pour le compte de l'Autorité palestinienne de la Cisjordanie et de la bande de Gaza, d'autre part

Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing [ AGBELL | Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf | American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf | Volta Speech Association for the Deaf ]

Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing [ AGBELL | Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf | American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf | Volta Speech Association for the Deaf ]

TASH: The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps [ TASH | The Association for the Severely Handicapped | American Association for the Education of the Severely/Profoundly Handicapped ]

TASH: The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps [ TASH | The Association for the Severely Handicapped | American Association for the Education of the Severely/Profoundly Handicapped ]

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Date index: 2024-01-05