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Backing plate
Backing support
Broad support
Broad-based support
Caliper shield support
Decimillimetric wave
End casing
Logistic support
Logistical support
Logistics support
Mechanism for short-term monetary support
Organisation of vehicle breakdown support
Organise vehicle breakdown support
Overwhelming support
Set up vehicle breakdown support
Shield support
Short-term monetary support mechanism
Simple caliper shield support
Simple-hinge shield support
Single-hinge shield
Submillimeter wave
Submillimetre wave
Submillimetric wave
Support medium
Support plate
System of short-term monetary support
Tremendous capacity
Tremendous drive
Tremendous support
Tremendously high frequency
Turbo support
Turbocharger support
Turbosupercharger support
Vehicle breakdown support organisation
Wide support
Widespread support

Vertaling van "Tremendous support " (Engels → Frans) :

broad support [ widespread support | wide support | overwhelming support | tremendous support | broad-based support ]

important appui [ appui massif | appui généralisé ]

submillimeter wave | submillimetre wave | submillimetric wave | decimillimetric wave | tremendously high frequency | THF

onde submillimétrique | onde décimillimétrique

caliper shield support | shield support | simple caliper shield support | simple-hinge shield support | single-hinge shield

pile à flèche

organisation of vehicle breakdown support | set up vehicle breakdown support | organise vehicle breakdown support | vehicle breakdown support organisation

organiser l'assistance dépannage d'un véhicule

mechanism for short-term monetary support | short-term monetary support mechanism | system of short-term monetary support

système de soutien monétaire à court terme

logistic support | logistical support | logistics support

soutien logistique

turbo support | turbo-support | turbocharger support | turbosupercharger support | end casing

support de turbocompresseur

support plate | support | support medium | backing plate | backing support | plate | sheet

support | plaque
There is tremendous support for this application from members on the opposition side, and I suspect that there may be members on the government side who would support this application.

Celle-ci jouit d'un appui extraordinaire de la part des députés de l'opposition, et je ne serais pas surpris que des députés ministériels y soient également favorables.

It then spells out our approach to the longer term process of turning into reality the tremendous hopes that have been voiced in the region. It will be developed by listening, not only to requests for support from partner governments, but also to demands expressed by civil society.

Elle précise ensuite comment nous entendons aborder, à plus long terme, la concrétisation des immenses espoirs qui se sont exprimés dans la région. Il s’agira, à cette fin, non seulement de prêter attention aux sollicitations des gouvernements partenaires, mais aussi d’écouter les demandes formulées par la société civile.

The Commission is convinced of the essential support that space technologies can bring to the Union's policies and objectives and also of their tremendous social, economic, and commercial potential.

La Commission est convaincue de l'appui essentiel que les technologies spatiales peuvent apporter aux politiques et aux objectifs de l'Union, ainsi que de leur potentiel social, économique et commercial considérable.

As members know about federal-provincial relations, that in itself shows the tremendous support that Canadians have for their public pension plan and the tremendous support that all levels of government of various political stripes place on preserving the Canada pension plan.

Vu les difficultés des relations fédérales-provinciales, ce résultat fait ressortir le soutien extrêmement solide que les Canadiens accordent à leur régime de pensions public, l'appui extraordinaire que tous les niveaux de gouvernement, de toutes les allégeances politiques, accordent au maintien du Régime de pensions du Canada.

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After months of lobbying, thousands of letters of support and the signatures of over 2,500 petitioners in support of an exhibit in the Museum of Civilization to recognize all crimes against humanity committed in the 20th century, can the minister tell the House what action will be taken in reply to the tremendous support shown throughout the country for this concept?

Après des mois de lobbying, des milliers de lettres et des pétitions renfermant plus de 2 500 signatures afin d'appuyer la tenue d'une exposition au Musée canadien des civilisations pour reconnaître tous les crimes contre l'humanité commis au XXe siècle, la ministre peut-elle dire à la Chambre quelles mesures seront prises, compte tenu de l'appui incroyable manifesté partout au pays à l'égard de ce projet?

In my own country, a great lady by the name of Adi Roche and her organisation have given tremendous support and will do so long into the future, because the effects of Chernobyl will still be felt.

Dans mon propre pays, une grande dame du nom d’Adi Roche et son organisation ont apporté un énorme soutien et continueront de le faire parce que les effets de Tchernobyl continueront à se faire sentir.

Yet the tremendous support which was expressed in the House during the speeches puts me under an additional obligation, because I understand that we stand before great challenges, and we must overcome them all.

Cependant, l’énorme soutien qui a été exprimé dans cette Assemblée me place face à une obligation supplémentaire, car je pense que nous sommes face à d’énormes défis et que nous devons tous les relever.

It is true that creativity runs its own course through life, work and learning, and I am driven to write because it is my chosen way of expression; but, as regards publishing and promotion, it is also true that the prize is a tremendous support and it offers the opportunity of translation into other languages. Thus, it means Shadows of the Unicorn has the possibility of reaching a much wider, European audience’.

Il est vrai que la créativité suit un chemin qui lui est propre à travers la vie, le travail, les études, et l'écriture s'impose à moi, car elle est le mode d'expression que j'ai choisi; mais s'agissant d'être publié et diffusé, il est vrai que le Prix constitue un atout formidable et qu’il offre la possibilité d’être traduit dans d’autres langues. Mon roman pourra ainsi toucher un public beaucoup plus vaste, un public européen».

That motion received tremendous support in the House, including support from our Quebec friends in the Bloc.

Elle a reçu un appui considérable à la Chambre, y compris de la part de nos collègues du Bloc québécois.

Therefore, you can rest assured, since, with the efforts made by the Council and the tremendous support of the Commission, the Spanish Presidency has been able to fulfil the mandate of the European Council and also of this Parliament.

Par conséquent, vous pouvez être tranquilles car, grâce aux efforts du Conseil et à l'aide inestimable de la Commission, la présidence espagnole a pu respecter le mandat du Conseil européen et de ce Parlement.
