Our understanding so far is that the amount of federal government funding which used to be in place and which was given to universities and scientific research undertakings to provide things like measurement of rivers and the velocity and volume at which they move and aquifers and the like, has fallen off so substantially in the past few years as to bring it nearly to a halt. Part of the impetus behind our study is, to be overly simple, that we can all live without oil though it would be inconvenient.
Ce que nous avons compris, jusqu'à maintenant, c'est que le financement fédéral qui existait et qui était remis aux universités ou servait à des travaux de recherche scientifique comme la mesure du débit des rivières, de leur vélocité et de leur volume, l'étude des aquifères, et cetera, a tellement diminué qu'il s'est presque tari.