It stands to reason that we would extend this practice of protection beyond our own means, beyond the members of parliament and the Senate, and extend it to provincial and municipal politicians and to journalists as well, because we have seen the extremely important role that journalists play in public awareness, in the reporting of the activities of organized crime and, I would suggest as well, in the disclosure and the pulling back of the cloak of secrecy that is very often part of the threat that organized crime can pose.
Il va de soi que nous accordions la protection non seulement aux députés et aux sénateurs mais aussi aux politiciens provinciaux et municipaux et aux journalistes qui, comme nous l'avons vu, contribuent de façon extrêmement importante à sensibiliser le public et à mettre au jour les activités des groupes criminalisés. Je signale également l'importance de faire disparaître le secret dont s'accompagne souvent la menace que fait peser la criminalité organisée.