The degree to which they are right about this is demonstrated, to take one example, by the fact that the IGC as a whole did not even once turn its attention to the inherent contradictions between Part 3 and Part 1 of the draft, and by the manifest fact that two mutually antithetical economic philosophies are to remain in the text of the constitution – the social market economy on the one hand and free competition on the other.
Le fait, par exemple, que la CIG, dans son ensemble, ne s’est jamais penchée sur les contradictions inhérentes entre la partie 3 et la partie 1 du projet et le fait manifeste que deux philosophies économiques antithétiques vont subsister dans le texte de la Constitution - l’économie de marché sociale, d’une part et la libre concurrence, de l’autre, - illustrent à quel point les citoyens ont raison.