Both Vodafone and O2 enjoyed a dominant position with respect to their networks in the relevant time period. As far as the level of IOTs is concerned, the investigation revealed that the roaming services in question yielded profits several times higher than other comparable services supplied by MNOs. In particular, the pricing of roaming calls exceeded by far the prices that Vodafone and O2 had applied during the above mentioned period for similar calls made on their respective networks by UK subscribers of “Independent Service Providers” (ISPs) to whom both O2 and Vodafone had supplied wholesale airtime access.
En particulier, le prix des appels itinérants excédait largement celui facturé par Vodafone et O2, durant la période de référence, pour des appels similaires effectués sur leurs réseaux respectifs par des abonnés britanniques de «prestataires de services indépendants» (ISP) (tels que, par exemple, Carphone Warehouse et Yes Telco) auxquels Vodafone et O2 fournissaient des services en gros d'accès et de temps de communication («wholesale airtime access»).