Column R refers to FADN division, column S to subdivision, column H to the serial number of the holding, column DG to degrees, column MI to minutes, column N to NUTS, column AO tclass=yellow1>o the number of the accounting office, cclass=yellow1>olumn DT to date, column W to weight of the farm, column TF to type of farming, column ES to economic size class and column C to code.
La légende des colonnes est la suivante: R = circonscription RICA, S = sous-circonscription, H = numéro d'ordre de l'exploitation, DG = degrés, MI = minutes, N = classification NUTS, AO = numéro du bureau comptable, DT = date, W = poids de l'exploitation, TF = orientation technico-économique, ES = classe de dimension économique et C = code.