SUBMARINES – The now infamous purchase and
integration of four British Upholder class diesel-powered submarines into the Navy continues.[66] Mistakes were made in the process of acquiring the boats, starting with a four-year delay in political decision-maki
ng as to whether to acquire them, which left the subs deteriorating in dry dock., But since the acquisition process has been extensively investigated by both a Canadian Forces Board of Inquiry, as well as the House of Co
...[+++]mmons Committee on National Defence and Veterans’ Affairs, the Committee will not dwell on these issues.[67] It is time to examine the capability of the submarines on merit.
SOUS-MARINS – La désormais tristement célèbre saga des quatre sous‑marins diesel de la classe Upholder achetés au gouvernement britannique afin de les intégrer à la Marine canadienne continue toujours. Le processus d’acquisition de ces sous-marins a été entaché d’un certain nombre d’erreurs, à commencer par quatre années de tergiversations politiques sur la pertinence de les acquérir, quatre années durant lesquels on a laissé ces derniers se détériorer en calle sèche.