The Commission's finding is that increasing the output of "local wine" (vin de pays) in France would be inconsistent with the principles behind the new common organisation of the market in the wine sector, one of whose goals is to prevent an expansion of Community wine production, and would also be likely to create distortions of competition in a market which, according to currently available figures, is showing no signs of growth.
La Commission a considéré que l'augmentation de la production des "vins de pays" en France s'écarterait des principes contenus dans la nouvelle OCM viti-vinicole, dont l'un des objectifs est d'empêcher l'augmentation de la production viticole communautaire, et serait de nature à créer des distorsions de concurrence sur un marché qui ne présenterait pas, selon les chiffres disponibles, des signes de croissance.