n additional repayment of 145 million ECU also has to be made to Spain and Portugal under the Act of Accession. 2. Additional requirements for the structural funds As the Commission stated in its report, the shortfall in payment appropriations for the structural funds is
estimated at 1 169 million ECU - 176 million ECU for EAGGF Guidance, 493 million ECU for the Regional Fund and 500 million ECU for the Social Fund. In the light of the own resources still available, the Commission feels that 750 million ECU in payment appropriations should be allocated
...[+++]for this purpose, broken down as followed: 500 million ECU for the Social Fund, 150 million ECU for the Regional Fund and 100 million ECU for EAGGF Guidance (1) If the final judgment by the Court of Justice confirms its President's interim order following the United Kingdom's appeal, the Commission may have to present a letter of amendment to this proposal.De plus, au titre des remboursements conf
ormement a l'acte d'adhesion Espagne/Portugal, une somme supplementaire de 145 MECU en faveur de ces pays doit etre prevue (1) Si l'arret final de la Cour de Justice confirme l'ordonnance de son President, emise a la suite du recours en refere engage par
le Royaume-uni, la Commission pourra etre appelee a introduire une lettre rectificative a cette proposition/.- 3 - 2. Besoins supplementaires pour les Fonds structurels D'apres le rapport sus-mentionne, l'insuffisance en credit de paiement est e
stimee a 1 ...[+++].169 MECU (176 FEOGA orientation, 493 Feder, 500 Fonds social).