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Afghan Association of Ontario
Afghan House
End to end town house
Federation of Afghans and Afghan Students Abroad
Follow house style of newspaper
Follow newspaper house style
Group house
Housing construction
Housing development
Housing estate
Housing improvements
Housing modernisation
Housing modernization
Housing policy
Housing renovation
Housing scheme
Housing settlement
Improvement of housing
Improvement of the housing environment
Improvement of the residential environment
Improvement of the residential milieu
Modernisation of housing
Modernisation of the housing environment
Modernisation of the residential environment
Modernisation of the residential milieu
Modernization of housing
Modernization of the housing environment
Modernization of the residential environment
Modernization of the residential milieu
Produce newspaper according to house style
Publish newspaper using house style
Renovation of housing
Residential building
Row dwelling
Row hous
Row house
Row housing
Row-housing unit
Serial hous
Side-by-side house
Social housing programme
Social housing scheme
Subsidised housing programme
Subsidised housing scheme
Terrace home
Terrace house
Terraced house
Town house

Traduction de «afghan house » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
Afghan Association of Ontario (Canada) [ Afghan House ]

Afghan Association of Ontario (Canada) [ Afghan House ]

improvement of housing [ housing improvements | housing modernisation | housing modernization | housing renovation | improvement of the housing environment | improvement of the residential environment | improvement of the residential milieu | modernisation of housing | modernisation of the housing environment | modernisation of the residential environment | modernisation of the residential milieu | modernization of housing | modernization of the housing environment | modernization of the residential environment | modernization of the residential milieu | renovation of housing ]

amélioration du logement [ amélioration de l'habitat | modernisation de l'habitat | modernisation de logement | rénovation d'habitation | rénovation de l'habitat ]

Federation of Afghans and Afghan Students Abroad

Federation of Afghans and Afghan Students Abroad

housing [ dwelling | residential building ]

logement [ habitation ]

housing policy [ housing construction ]

politique du logement [ construction de logement | politique de l'habitat ]

linkedhouse | row hous | row housing | serial hous | terraced house | town house

habitation continue | logements en bande | maison accolée par construction annexe | maison en bande | maison en rangée | maisons mitoyennes

housing development | housing estate | housing scheme | housing settlement

cité d'habitation | établissement urbain | groupe d'habitations

social housing programme | social housing scheme | subsidised housing programme | subsidised housing scheme

programme subventionné de construction de logements | programme subventionné de construction d'habitations | programme subventionné de logements

follow house style of newspaper | produce newspaper according to house style | follow newspaper house style | publish newspaper using house style

respecter la charte rédactionnelle d'un journal

row-house [ row house | row-housing unit | row dwelling | town house | townhouse | group house | terrace house | terrace home | end to end town house | side-by-side house ]

maison en rangée [ habitation en rangée | maison en bande | habitation en bandes | maison en enfilade | maison attenante | maison de ville ]
Other information: (a) Member of the Upper House (Mashrano Jerga) of the Afghan Parliament, (b) Head of the Education and Religious Committee of the House as of May 2007’.

Renseignements complémentaires: a) membre de la chambre supérieure (Mashrano Jerga) du Parlement afghan; b) président de la commission de l’enseignement et des affaires religieuses de la chambre depuis mai 2007».

Other information: (a) Collects taxes and bribes on behalf of the Taliban (b) Liaises with and provides Taliban operatives in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, with information, guidance, housing and weapons and has emplaced improvised explosive devices (IED) and conducted attacks against International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Afghan forces.

Renseignements complémentaires: a) collecte impôts et pots-de-vin pour le compte des Taliban; b) assure la liaison avec les combattants talibans dans la province de Nangarhar (Afghanistan) et leur fournit des informations, des directives, un logement et des armes; a placé des engins explosifs improvisés et conduit des attaques contre la Force internationale d'assistance à la sécurité (FIAS) et les forces afghanes.

To use the analogy of Canada being a fireman who's going into Afghanistan to put out a house that's on fire—the Afghan house—yes, we may be upset that there aren't enough firemen there behind us or willing to come in, or that other fire halls haven't contributed as many trucks, but it would be a moral mistake for us to, in a fit of pique, wrap up our hose while the house was still burning just because the other fire halls hadn't contributed as much as we would have liked in putting out the fire.

Et c'est ma réponse à la deuxième partie de la question. Si nous comparons la mission du Canada en Afghanistan à celle d'un pompier chargé d'atteindre l'incendie d'une maison — la maison afghane —, oui, nous pouvons être contrariés de ne pas être appuyés par plus de pompiers ou que les autres casernes n'aient pas contribué autant de camions.

1. Takes the view that as a result of the last 30 years of Afghan history, characterised by Soviet occupation, the fighting between various Mujahideen factions and repression under the Taliban regime, the country has started an important and complicated reconstruction of its society and must continue to strengthen its institutions and to provide better for the basic needs of its citizens in such areas as education, housing, health, nutrition and public safety; welcomes the efforts and progress made since 2002 by the Afghan people tow ...[+++]

1. estime qu'après trente années d'histoire marquées par l'occupation soviétique, les combats entre factions moudjahidines et la répression sous le régime taliban, l'Afghanistan a entamé un processus important et difficile de reconstruction de sa société et doit continuer à renforcer ses institutions et à améliorer la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux des citoyens dans des domaines tels que l'éducation, le logement, la santé, l'alimentation et la sécurité publique; salue les efforts consentis et les progrès réalisés depuis 2002 par le peuple afghan d ...[+++]

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29. Emphasises that media freedom is essential in creating a democratic society; is very concerned about the rising number of attacks on journalists, and calls on the Afghan authorities to seriously investigate these violations; welcomes the work of the independent media in Afghanistan, which have re-established a core of information pluralism in the country after decades in which all freedom of expression was absent; considers freedom of the press and freedom of expression to be essential conditions for the country's social development and for relations between Afghanistan and the European Union; expresses its concern about Presiden ...[+++]

29. souligne que la liberté des médias joue un rôle essentiel dans la création d'une société démocratique; est très inquiet que le nombre d'agressions contre des journalistes soit en augmentation et demande aux autorités afghanes d'enquêter sérieusement sur ces violations; salue l'activité des médias indépendants en Afghanistan, qui ont rétabli un noyau de pluralisme de l'information dans le pays après des décennies d'absence de toute liberté d'expression; considère la liberté de presse et d'expression comme une condition indispens ...[+++]

31. Expresses its concern for the physical integrity of Ms Malalai Joya, Member of the Wolesi Jirga, and calls on the Afghan authorities to guarantee her protection; calls on the Afghan authorities to release Latif Pedram, founder of the National Congress Party of Afghanistan, from his house arrest, to dismiss the charges against him and to give assurances about his security;

31. fait part de son inquiétude quant à l'intégrité physique de Mme Malalai Joya, membre de la Wolesi Jirga, et invite les autorités afghanes à garantir sa protection; invite les autorités afghanes à libérer M. Latif Pedram, fondateur du Congrès national d'Afghanistan, qui a été placé en résidence surveillée, à lever les charges qui pèsent contre lui et à fournir des garanties concernant sa sécurité;

Yesterday, a point of privilege was raised about the fact that the Minister of Foreign Affairs had not informed the House that Canada had stopped transferring Afghan prisoners to the Afghan authorities on November 5, I believe, even though this House had been told the opposite.

Hier, on a soulevé une question de privilège à propos du fait que le ministre des Affaires étrangères n'avait pas informé la Chambre de l'arrêt du transfert de prisonniers afghans aux autorités afghanes depuis le 5 novembre dernier, je crois, alors qu'on nous avait dit le contraire en cette Chambre.

I would like the Minister of Foreign Affairs to tell the House now how an average Afghan sees the international mission and does he have any information he can share with the House about Afghan public opinion?

J'aimerais que le ministre des Affaires étrangères nous dise comment l'Afghan moyen perçoit la mission internationale. Aussi, a-t-il des renseignements à communiquer à la Chambre concernant l'opinion publique en Afghanistan?

€6 million for refugees and Afghan nationals returning to Afghanistan to ensure that they have access to housing and basic services.

6 millions € en faveur des réfugiés et des ressortissants afghans rapatriés, de façon à garantir leur accès au logement et aux services de base;

With any operation we did, as much as possible, the Afghan National Army would not go into any of the houses or compounds first; it would be the Afghan National Police.

Dans toute opération de notre part, autant que possible, l'Armée nationale afghane n'entrait pas en premier dans les maisons ou les complexes. C'est la Police nationale afghane qui le faisait.

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