If he had read the sections of the land claims agreements he spoke of, particularly sections 25.4.6 of the Sahtu agreement, 24.4.6 of the Gwich'in agreement, and 22.4.1 of the Tlicho land claim agreement, he would have seen that they all clearly and specifically contemplate a larger board, which is what the bill would implement.
S'il avait lu les dispositions des accords relatifs aux revendications territoriales dont il a parlé, tout particulièrement l'article 25.4.6 de l'accord du Sahtu, l'article 24.4.6 de l'accord gwich'in et l'article 22.4.1 de l'accord tlicho, il aurait constaté que tous ces accords prévoient clairement et précisément un office plus important, que le projet de loi mettrait en place.