Following the economic and social agreement concluded in Portugal between the two sides of industry (SETAA/UGT and CAP), the COPA (Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations in the EEC) and the EFA (European Federation of Agricultural Workers in the Community), today signed, at the Plenary Assembly of the Joint Committee on Social Problems of Agricultural Workers, an addition to the European Agreement on the Improvement of Working Conditions, setting out a timetable for a progressive reduction of weekly working hours in the agricultural and breeding sectors in Portugal.
Suite à l'accord économique et social intervenu au Portugal entre les partenaires sociaux (SETAA/UGT et CAP), le COPA et l'EFA ont signé au cours de l'Assemblée plénière du Comité Paritaire pour les problèmes sociaux des salariés agricoles tenue ce 29 novembre 1991, un Avenant à l'Entente européenne relative à l'amélioration des conditions de travail.