But in a general sense, we again, jointly, the federal and provincial jurisdictions have been relatively effective in providing or meeting the objectives of the communications part of the program in terms of getting out timely information to those potentially affected by the incidence of bovine tuberculosis, and also providing opportunities for producers, and the agricultural associations and wildlife associations, to have some input and influence on the management program as it's developed and then implemented.
Mais, en général, les administrations fédérales et provinciales ont, conjointement, assez bien réussi à communiquer l'information voulue sur le programme à ceux que la tuberculose bovine peut concerner ainsi qu'à offrir aux producteurs, aux associations agricoles et aux associations de la faune la possibilité de donner leur opinion sur le programme de gestion, à l'étape de l'élaboration et à celle de la mise en oeuvre.