I cannot help but be reminded that the bill is eerily similar in substance and spirt to a much maligned American law, the Freedom to Display the American Flag Act, which was introduced in 2005 by Roscoe Bartlett, who incidentally was a founding member of the Republican tea party caucus. Though bustled through Congress on the strength of a Conservative majority, the law pilloried as an opportunistic political grandstand, thus the sentiment that may have fostered the bill was lost.
Je ne peux m'empêcher de penser que ce projet de loi est étrangement semblable en substance et en esprit à un projet de loi tellement décrié, le Freedom to Display the American Flag Act, déposé au Congrès américain en 2005 par Roscoe Bartlett, qui, en passant, se trouve à être un membre fondateur du caucus du Tea Party républicain.