But Justice Krever noted in his report the editorial in the December 1984 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine by Dr. Alter and Dr. Holland who were investigators in the United States National Institute of Health study, and I quote from his report on page 642: “They did not, however, endorse the recommendation that ALT testing be implemented, and they said that the true efficacy of surrogate testing could be proved only by a randomised trial that compared tested and untested blood.
Mais le juge Krever cite dans son rapport l'éditorial paru dans le numéro de décembre 1984 des Annals of Internal Medicine, et rédigé par le Dr Alter et le Dr Holland, deux chercheurs ayant participé à l'étude des National Institutes of Health des États-Unis. Il dit, à la page 730 de son rapport: «Toutefois, ils n'approuvaient pas la recommandation voulant que l'on introduise le dosage de l'ALT.