In cases where Canadians face the death penalty abroad, the Government of Canada will continue to consider whether to seek clemency on a case by case basis. Question No. 197 Mr. Todd Russell: With regard to federal funding: (a) has any funding been provided towards construction or improvement of (i) the Trans Labrador Highway, (ii) Quebec route 138 east of Sept-Iles, (iii) Quebec route 389, in each of the past three fiscal years and, if so, under which programs or funding envelopes was this funding provided; and (b) what was the cost-sharing formula for any such projects as between the federal and respective provincial governments?
L'hon. Lawrence Cannon (ministre des Transports, de l’Infrastructure et des Collectivités, PCC): Monsieur le Président, au cours des trois derniers exercices financiers, Infrastructure Canada, INFC, n’a pas versé directement de fonds pour la construction ou l’amélioration de la route translabradorienne, de la route 138 à l’est de Sept-Îles, au Québec, ou de la route 389, au Québec.