Any of these incidents suddenly create a justification and a legitimacy f
or oil companies to raise prices. To suggest, as the Minister of Natural Resources did, that we need to allow t
he free hand of the market, the invisible hand, Adam Smith still speaks to us from his grave, to come in and allow this free hand to operate in a market that is run by a cartel, in w
hich prices are set artificially by a small cobble of exceptional pro
...[+++]ducers, is beyond the pale.
On arrive difficilement à comprendre que le ministre des Ressources naturelles puisse laisser entendre, comme il l'a fait, que nous devons laisser la fameuse main invisible d'Adam Smith, Dieu ait son âme, guider le marché alors que le marché dont il est question est dirigé par un cartel et que les prix sont établis artificiellement par un groupuscule de producteurs exceptionnels.