If you're asking me whether the federal public service is sufficiently sensitive to regional circumstances, the answer is a resounding no. If you're asking me whether it is healthy for this country, as broad and as large as it is, to concentrate the policy capacity of the federal public service in Ottawa alone, the answer is no. If you're asking me whether by doing that we're giving a free hand to the provinces to say that they are the only legitimate spokespersons for the regions, yes, we're giving them that.
Si vous me demandez si la fonction publique fédérale est suffisamment sensible aux circonstances régionales, ma réponse est un non retentissant. Si vous me demandez s'il est sain pour ce pays, aussi large et aussi vaste qu'il soit, de concentrer la capacité élaboration de politiques de la fonction publique fédérale dans la seule ville d'Ottawa, la réponse est non.