This may or may not prove to be correct, but some weeks or months ago it was reported that Mr. Milosevic had been planning his ethnic cleansing in Kosovo since 1989 when he declared that Kosovo, then with a Serbian minority of 10 per cent versus 90 per cent of Albanian extraction, would be exorcised of its autonomous government, that the Albanian government in that province would be removed from all positions of power. In fact, he did that.
Il se peut que ce soit ou non exact, mais il y a quelques semaines ou quelques mois, on a signalé que M. Milosevic planifiait son nettoyage ethnique au Kosovo depuis 1989, époque à laquelle il a déclaré que cette province, dont la population était constituée à 10 p. 100 de Serbes et à 90 p. 100 d'Albanais d'origine, serait dépouillée de son gouvernement autonome.