– having regard to Article 270(3) of the free trade agreement concluded between the European Union and Colombia and Peru in March 2010, which states that ‘the Parties agree to promote best business practices related to corporate social responsibility’, and to Article 270(4) of the agreement, which states that ‘the Parties recognise that flexible, voluntary and incentive-based mechanisms can contribute to coherence between trade practices and the objectives of sustainable development’,
– vu l'article 270, paragraphe 3 de l'accord de libre-échange entre l'Union européenne et la Colombie et le Pérou, signé en mars 2010, selon lequel les parties sont convenues de promouvoir les bonnes pratiques commerciales liées à la responsabilité sociale des entreprises, et «recognize that flexible, voluntary, and incentive-based mechanisms can contribute to coherence between trade practices and the objectives of sustainable development»,