By inserting, immediately before Standing Order 76, the following: ``At Second Reading 76 (1) The
report stage of any bill reported by any standing, special or legislative committee before the bill has been
read a second time shall not be taken into consideration prior to the third sitting day following the presentation of the said report, unless otherwise ordered by the House (2) If, not later than the second sitting day prior to the consideration of the report stage of a bill that has not yet been read a second time, written notice
...[+++]is given of any motion to amend, delete, insert or restore any clause in a bill, it shall be printed on a Notice Paper. When the same amendment is put on notice by more than one member, that notice shall be printed once, under the name of each member who has submitted it (3) When a recommendation of the Governor General is required in relation to any amendment of which notice has been given pursuant to section (2) of this Standing Order, notice shall be given of the said Recommendation no later than the sitting day before the day on which the report stage is to commence and such notice shall be printed on the Notice Paper along with the amendment to which it pertains (4) An amendment, in relation to form only in a government bill, may be proposed by a Minister of the Crown without notice, but debate thereon may not be extended to the provisions of the clause or clauses to be amended.S'il est donné avis d'une même modification par plus d'un député, cet avis doit être imprimé une seule fois, portant les noms de chaque député qui l'a donné (3) Lorsqu'une recommandation du Gouverneur général est nécessaire au sujet d'une modification dont il a été donné avis conformément au paragraphe (2) du présent article, il faut en donner un avis préalable au plus tard le jour de séance précédant celui où doit commencer l'étape du rapport et cet avis doit figurer au Feuilleton des Avis, accompagné de la modification visée (4) Un ministre
de la Couronne peut proposer une modification relative à la forme seulement d'un projet de loi d
...[+++]u gouvernement, sans préavis, mais la discussion de cette modification ne peut s'étendre aux dispositions de l'article ou des articles à modifier.