(3) The agent of the state who intercepts a private communication pursuant to subsection (1) shall, as soon as is practicable in the circumstances, destroy any recording of the private communication that is obtained from an interception pursuant to subsection (1), any full or partial transcript of the recording and any notes made by that agent of the private communication if nothing in the private communication suggests that bodily harm, attempted bodily harm or threatened bodily harm has occurred or is likely to occur.
(3) L’agent de l’État qui intercepte la communication privée doit, dans les plus brefs délais possible, détruire les enregistrements de cette communication et les transcriptions totales ou partielles de ces enregistrements de même que les notes relatives à la communication prises par lui, si celle-ci ne laisse pas présumer l’infliction — effective ou probable — de lésions corporelles ni la tentative ou menace d’une telle infliction.