I think it's fairly clear, Madam Chair, that there is a direct correlation between price and the consumption of tobacco, particularly among young people. As a former president of the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association, I worked with Health Canada on a program called Break-Free All Stars, and I can tell you that the program, Madam Chair, Mr. Jaffer, was aimed at 6- to 12-year-olds, if you can believe it.
En tant qu'ancien président de l'Association canadienne des loisirs/parcs, j'ai participé, de concert avec Santé Canada, à une campagne anti-tabac appelée «Break-Free All Stars»; je peux vous dire, madame la présidente, monsieur Jaffer, que ce programme visait les enfants de 6 à 12 ans, aussi incroyable que cela puisse paraître.