I remember the Bélanger-Campeau Commission had to deal with it, as did the commissions studying Quebec's constitutional future. Very recently as well, it was brought up during the States General on education, and when section 93 was brought up during the final meeting, the vast majority of participants around the table—there were nearly 80 of us—said that section 93 must be abolished.
Je rappelle la Commission Bélanger-Campeau où il en a été question; la Commission sur l'avenir constitutionnel du Québec, les États généraux de l'éducation tout récemment où, alors qu'a été soulevée la question de l'article 93 lors de la séance finale, l'immense majorité des participants autour de la table—nous étions près de 80— a dit qu'il fallait abolir l'article 93.