No entanto, tendo em conta a situação epidemiológica, no que se refere aos riscos colocados pelo vírus da gripe aviária altamente patogénica do subtipo H5N1, é adequado manter as medidas de proteção no que diz respeito à Suíça, até 31 de dezembro de 2015.
Switzerland has notified the Commission that the competent authorities of that third country are applying protection measures that are equivalent to those applied by the competent authorities of the Member States, as provided for in Decisions 2006/415/EC and 2006/563/EC, when highly pathogenic avian influenza of subtype H5N1 is suspected or confirmed in poultry or wild birds and that it will immediately notify the Commission of any future changes to its animal health status, including specifically any outbreak or positive findings of that disease in poultry or wild birds.