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And the Quebec Jewellers Corporation.
Canadian Association for Translation Studies
Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors
Canadian Association of Translation Contractors
Canadian Water Well Association
Canadian Water Well Contractors Association

Vertaling van "canadian association translation contractors " (Engels → Frans) :

Canadian Association of Translation Contractors

Association canadienne des entrepreneurs en traduction

Canadian Association for Translation Studies | CATS [Abbr.]

Association canadienne de traductologie | ACT [Abbr.]

Canadian Water Well Association [ Canadian Water Well Contractors Association ]

Canadian Water Well Association [ Canadian Water Well Contractors Association ]

Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors

Association canadienne d'entrepreneurs géophysiques
When are we going to get this Canadian Bar Association translation?

Quand allons-nous recevoir la traduction du mémoire de l'Association du Barreau canadien?

I'm also, in preparation for this meeting.I'm a member of ITAC, which is the Information Technology Association of Canada; ACSESS, which is the Association of Canadian Search, Employment and Staffing Services; the IT staffing firm association; the CME; Alberta Construction Association; Progressive Contractors Association of Cana ...[+++]

Je suis aussi, en préparation à cette réunion.Je suis membre de l'ACTI, à savoir l'Association canadienne de la technologie de l'information; de l'ANERPP, à savoir l'Association nationale des entreprises en recrutement et placement du personnel; de l'association des firmes de dotation dans le domaine des TI; des MEC; de l'Alberta Construction Association; de la Progressive Contractors Association of Canada; et de la FCEI. Pa ...[+++]

I will continue with the list: Sherry Cooper, the chief economist at Bank of Montreal; Doug Porter, deputy chief economist at BMO; Derek Holt, vice-president of Scotia Economics; the National Trails Coalition; the Southwest Economic Alliance; the Mayor of Stratford; the Canadian Federation of Independent Business; the Canadian Chemical Producers' Association; the Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals; t ...[+++]

Je continue la lecture de la liste : Sherry Cooper, économiste en chef à la Banque de Montréal; Doug Porter, économiste en chef délégué chez BMO; Derek Holt, vice-président, Études économiques chez Scotia Capitaux; la National Trails Coalition; la Southwest Economic Alliance; le maire de Stratford; la Fédération canadienne de l'entreprise indépendante; l'Association canadienne des fabricants de produits chimiques; l'Association canadienne des conseillers hypothécai ...[+++]

Some examples of certified artists' associations are: [English] the Canadian Actors Equity Association, [Translation] Union des artistes, [English] the American Federation of Musicians, and the Writers Guild of Canada.

Voici quelques exemples d'associations accréditées: [Traduction] la Canadian Actors’ Equity Association, [Français] l'Union des artistes, [Traduction] l’American Federation of Musicians et la Writers Guild of Canada.

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I want to get to the witnesses now, the Canadian Jewellers Association [Translation] and the Quebec Jewellers Corporation.

J'aimerais maintenant entendre les témoins de l'Association canadienne des bijoutiers. [Français] et la Corporation des bijoutiers du Québec.

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Date index: 2024-09-04