Honourable senators, in addition, there are also a number of items affecting single organizations. These include the following: $207.7 million to the Department of National Defence for increased funding to cover the provision of health care services and recruitment, retention and training activities for the Canadian Forces; $199.9 million to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for indirect costs of University Research; $273.5 million to the Department of Industry for additional grant requirements, such as $125 million for the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, $110 million for CANARIE for CA*net4 Internet Broadband, $25 million for the Canada Institute for Advanced Research, $
7.5 million for the ...[+++]Canadian Youth Business Foundation, and $6 million to Shad International; $95 million to the Department of Health Canada for additional funding for the Canadian Institute of Health Information; and $61.6 million to the Department of Veterans Affairs for increased requirements for disability pensions.Honorables sénateurs, certains postes visent aussi des organisations particulières, par exemple: 207,7 millions de dollars de fonds additionnels au ministère de la Défense nationale aux fins des services de santé ainsi que des activités de recrutement, de maintien de l'effectif et f
ormation des Forces canadiennes; 199,9 millions de dollars au Conseil de rec
herches en sciences humaines pour les coûts indirects de la recherche universitaire; 273,5 millions de dollars au ministère de l'Industrie pour les besoins de subventions addition
...[+++]nelles, dont 125 millions de dollars à la Fondation Pierre Elliott Trudeau, 110 millions de dollars à CANARIE pour CA*net4 Internet à large bande,