They also deal with cases of compassionate consideration. In addition, to make certain that the process is credible, the most recent directive from the senior citizenship judge in Ottawa has required of all citizenship judges and the administration that rather than having the citizenship judge just sign a piece of paper called a CARF, a citizenship application review form which we did with just a click, click, click to get through the numbers, because we'd see tens of thousands of these the file will be in front of the citizenship judge when he or she makes the signature to approve the application.
De plus, pour assurer la crédibilité du processus, la directive la plus récente émise par le juge principal de la citoyenneté, à Ottawa, exigeait que tous les juges de la citoyenneté et l'administration, au lieu de signer simplement un FEDC, qui est le Formulaire d'étude de la demande de citoyenneté—ce que nous faisions automatiquement pour accélérer les choses compte tenu des dizaines de milliers de dossiers en attente—examinent le dossier avant d'approuver la demande.