78) Case C-62/86, AKZO v Commission, [1991] ECR I-3359, paragraph 60; Case T-228/97, Irish Sugar v Commission, [1999] ECR II-2969, paragraph 70, Case Hoffmann-La Roche v Commission, op. cit, paragraph 41, Case T-139/98, AAMS and
Others v Commission [2001 ECR II-0000, paragraph 51. Ho
wever, large market shares can become accurate measurements only on the assumption that competitors are unable to expand their output by sufficient volume to meet the shi
...[+++]fting demand resulting from a rival's price increase.
(78) Arrêt rendu dans l'affaire C-62/86, AKZO contre Commission, Recueil 1991, p. I-3359, point 60; arrêts rendus dans l'affaire T-228/97, Irish Sugar contre Commission, Recueil 1999, p. II-2969, point 70, l'affaire Hoffmann-La Roche contre Commission précitée, point 41 et l'affaire T-139/98, AAMS et autres contre Commission, point 51, non encore publiée au Recueil.