Mr. Grubel (Capilano–Howe Sound), seconded by Mr. Epp (Elk Island), moved Motion No. 54, — That Bill C–76, in Clause 50, be amended by replacing lines 2 to 15, on page 28, with the following: “under section 20, the Federal Court is of the opinio
n that the province does not or has ceased to comply with section 19, the Court may, by ord
er, direct that any cash contribution under the Canada Health and Social Transfer to that province for a fiscal year be reduced, in respect of each non-compliance, by an amount that the Court considers to
...[+++] be appropriate, having regard to the gravity of the non-compliance”.« de l’article 20 et qu’elle estime que la province ne satisfait pas ou plus aux conditions visées à l’article 19, la Cour fédérale peut ordonner, pour chaque manquement, que la contribution pécuniaire d’un exercice à la province, aux termes du transfert, soit réduite du montant qu’elle estime indiqué, compte tenu de la gravité du manquement».