(3) Despite subsection (2), if in the last month of a calendar year that ends in the current payment period a person who is an applicant, or is an applicant’s spouse or common-law partner who has filed a statement as described in
paragraph 15(2)(a), ceases to hold an office or employment or ceases to carry on a business, the person may, not later than the end of the second payment period after the current payment period, in addition to making the statement of income required by subsection (1) in the case of the applicant or in addition to filing a statement as described in paragraph 15(2)(a) in the case of the applicant’s spouse or commo
...[+++]n-law partner, file a statement of the person’s estimated income for the calendar year that is immediately after the month in which the person ceased to hold that office or employment or ceased to carry on that business, which income shall be calculated as the total of
(3) Si, dans le cas visé au paragraphe (2), la cessation de l’activité a lieu au cours du dernier mois de l’année civile qui se termine pendant la période de paiement en cours, l’intéressé peut, au plus tard à la fin de la deuxième période de paiement suivant la période de paiement en cours, produire la seconde déclaration pour l’année civile qui suit le mois de la cessation. Le cas échéant, le revenu estimatif perçu au cours de cette année civile correspond alors au total des éléments suivants :