The Commission will set priorities in this respect. Trade policy aspects The European Council calls upon the Commission to ensure, in the context of the Uruguay Round and having regard to the provisions of the GATT, that the Community's measures with respect to prices and quantities are given due consideration, and to press for an appropriate solution to the problems arising in connect
ion with imports of cereal substitutes, oilseeds and protein plants into the Community. Inter-professional co-operation The European Council takes note of the Commission's intention to draw up a report on inter-professional co-operation and to submit conclu
...[+++]sions to the Council by 1 July 1988. ANNEX III European Council statement on the 1988 budget In order to cover the 1988 budget requirements and guarantee the Communtiy's normal activities, the European Council agrees that until the new own resourdes decisions enters into force, Member States will make available any funds that are required in excess of the existing ceiling on own resources, in the form of non- repayable advances on payments due after entry into force of the own resources decision.
Annexe III DECLARATION DU CONSEIL EUROPEEN CONCERNANT LE BUDGET 1988 Afin de répondre aux besoins du budget 1988 et de garantir le fonctionnement normal de la Communauté, le Conseil européen convient que, d'ici à l'entrée en vigueur de la nouvelle décision relative aux ressources propres, les moyens nécessaires dépassant le plafond actuel des ressources propres seront accordés par les Etats membres sous la forme d'avances non remboursables sur les prestations dues, après l'entrée en vigueur de la décision relative aux ressources propres.