Achieving certain societal goals such as the protection of the environment, traditional landscapes and bio-diversity, rural development and animal welfare should be permitted without obstacles created by the WTO. Support granted for the achievement of such goals should therefore not be considered as trade distorting (it means support included in the green box) on the condition that such measures are well targeted, transparent, and implemented in no more than minimally trade-distorting ways.
Le soutien accordé pour atteindre ces objectifs (c.-à-d. les subventions contenues dans la «boite verte») ne doit donc pas être considéré comme une source de distorsion des échanges, à condition que de telles mesures soient bien ciblées, transparentes, et mises en œuvre de manière à ce que les distorsions des échanges qui pourraient en résulter soient minimes.