Before that, they were racking their brains trying to figure it out. If we set a standard—in other words, if the CFIA said to you and the Walmarts and the Loblaws, etc. what the the Cadillac or platinum standard was and mandated it and had everybody comply with it, which means the only thing that might be different among Walmart, Loblaws, etc., would be the cosmetics of how they wanted it to look versus what the safety standard was, would that be helpful at all to you?
Si nous établissions une norme — autrement dit, si l'ACIA vous indiquait, à vous, aux Walmart, aux Loblaw et à tous les autres, qu'il faut désormais respecter la norme Cadillac ou platine et que tout ce qui peut différer, c'est la forme et non la norme de sécurité —, est-ce que cela vous aiderait?