Only through an overall approach to this task can such an improvement be made, Mr Willy De Clercq, Member of the Commission with special responsibility for external relations and trade policy, declared in Brussels when handing over to the Ambassador of Romania, whose country currently holds the presidency of COMECON, a letter addressed to the Secretary of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) and a letter to the Romanian Government.
Cette amelioration ne peut etre abordee que de facon globale" a declare Mr Willy De Clercq, Commissaire responsable des Relations Exterieures et de la Politique Commerciale, en remettant a l'Ambassadeur de Roumanie a Bruxelles, dont le pays detient la presidence du COMECON, une lettre adressee au Secretaire du Conseil d'Assistance economique mutuelle (CAEM) ainsi qu'une lettre destinee au gouvernement roumain".