Here they are. Bill C-15, An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts, died on the order paper when Parliament was prorogued; Bill C-19, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (investigative hearing and recognizance with conditions), died on the order paper before the House had a chance to vote on it; Bill C-26, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (auto theft and trafficking in property obtained by crime), also died on the order paper.
Les voici: le projet de loi C-15, Loi modifiant la Loi réglementant certaines drogues et autres substances et apportant des modifications connexes et corrélatives à d'autres lois, est mort au Feuilleton au moment de la prorogation; le projet de loi C-19, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (investigation et engagement assorti de conditions), que la Chambre n'a jamais eu la chance de voter et qui est mort au Feuilleton; le projet de loi C-26, Loi modifiant le Code criminel (vol d'automobile et trafic de biens criminellement obtenus), est aussi mort au Feuilleton.